Welcome to my landscape collection of acrylics on canvas, watercolours, and mixed media. My landscape tastes tend towards the generic and archetypal rather than representing specific places, although a few real locations have make their mark upon me.
Many originals are available to purchase. Click on the thumbnails to explore. (If you click off the caption, click again to restore) If you are interested in buying an available original from this collection, you will find it on this page.

Turtle Beach, acrylic on canvas, 50 by 50cm Not for sale
This is inspired by the photographic cover of my own novel, On Turtle Beach, under my pen name of Lynne Fisher (available from Amazon). I was itching to paint with these rich turquoises and terracottas, whilst having something more painterly to mark the book in a different kind of way. And since one of the main characters is an artist, it all kind of fits really.

Autumn Textures 2, acrylic on canvas, 40 by 40cm £220
One of these wasn't enough so this is number two, painted for the use of embossed wallpaper patterns for the ploughed fields of red earth and clingfilm patterns for the moody sky. I love working with complementary colours, which make each other 'sing' - in this case oranges and turquoises.

Moonlight Forest, acrylic on canvas, 40 by 40cm £220
An exploration of the negative spaces between trees in a forest in the darkness of night, with a ghostly lighting from a full moon.

Arizona Canyon - Canyon de Chelly, acrylic on canvas, 50 by 60cm £260
This my impression of the Canyon de Chelly, when I visited the area on a much loved tour of some of the national parks in the West of America. My hubby and I did do one walk down that was permitted - the White House Ruin trail, where the strata in the rock cliffs made a big impression on me, as well as the contrasting greens of the cottonwood trees and scrub bordering the stream beds.

Moonlight Surf, acrylic on canvas, 39 by 49.5cm £220
I love moonlight on the ocean as the waves roll in, but don't get the chance for walks along a shoreline at night, so I thought I'd paint myself a scene to enjoy. I really enjoyed playing with the blues and greens in the tones of the water here.

Border Country 2, acrylic on canvas, 30 by 30cm £180
I painted this with acidic and vibrant yellow greens for the patchwork of fields to reflect the crops that are grown and the changing patterns and colours in the Scottish Borders landscape were I live.

Autumn Textures 1, acrylic on canvas, 40 by 40cm £220
I wanted to have a go at using embossed wallpaper patterns to evoke the textures of autumn fields as they are worked on by the plough. I had a lot of fun with this! I needed some foreground interest, so added hogweed seedheads and branches of rosehips conveying a viewpoint from a gap in a hedgerow.

Towards Gersit Law, acrylic on canvas, 30 by 30cm £180
This is a view close to where I live, showing the rise up to a Byzantine style mausoleum. The tomb is guarded by two massice sleeping lions sculpted in sandstone. Inside the domed roof pigeons roost in the company of the two stone angels who also protect the sarcophagus. The hedges are hawthorn which goes through some lovely colour changes in the spring.

Field Walk, acrylic on canvas, 50 by 50cm SOLD
An invitation to amble through an autumn meadow on a misty day using complementary colours

Rubers Law, acrylic on canvas, 30 by 30cm £180
Rubers Law is a high hill in the Scottish Borders set in agricultural land with its summit forming rough pasture for grazing sheep. The surrounding land is divided into a patchwork of fields by dry stone walls and fir plantations. I played with the colours to suggest a mountain in another country, maybe a volcano somewhere in a hot climate, just to add that extra something - at least for me, anyway, as I don't like painting landscapes exactly as they are.

South to Carter Bar, acrylic on canvas, 30 by 30cm £180
An impression of the Cheviot Hills landscape of the Border between England and Scotland known as Carter bar.

Surf , acrylic on canvas, 40 by 40cm £260
Ocean swell smashing against rocks as it rolls into shore at twilight.

Border Hedge 2, acrylic on canvas, 20 by 20cm £110
I love the shaping of border hawthorn hedges, the gnarled branching and negative shapes between them. They are kept trimmed on top by farmers, but this lends a lovely sculpted appearance which I relish and never get tired of looking at.

Wheat Field, acrylic on canvas, 20 by 20cm £90
I painted this primarily for the silhouetted forms of trees on a horizon at dusk, using some photographs of a field of wheat close to my home. The wheat is maturing to golden, highlighted by the low-angled sun.

Autumn Forest mixed media on paper, 36 by 54cm SOLD
A study of an autumn woodland for its textures and glowing colours of the season. Media include watercolour, acrylics, sand, pva glue and lentils. A real pleasure to do with many stages, which is how I love to work.

Beachscape, mixed media on paper, 25.5 by 28.5cm SOLD
A mixed media study of a shoreline, showing land, sea and sky. The textures are rendered using pva glue modelling with real sand, beads and strands of wool. Even some glitter made its way into this. Great fun to do!

Night Woodland ,pencil and sepia wash on paper, 24 by 32.5cm SOLD
A tonal pencil drawing with watercolour sepia wash to evoke the tinted lithography of days gone by.

The Eildon Hills in Spring, watercolour and mixed media on paper, 34.5 by35cm, SOLD
A landscape portrait of the Scottish Borders countryside in Spring, featuring the Border's own Eildon Hills which are visible from so many routes into the very heart of the Borders.

Sea Pink, watercolour and mixed media on paper, 45 by 61cm £320
The natural habitat of sea thrift is on a rocky shore growing in crevices, as shown here. I've used sand and pva modelling for the rock lichens and sections of the beach. There's just a little patch of blue sea and sky on the left for a sense of scale and distance.

Blackie's Patch, watercolour on paper, 28 by 19.5cm £120
This was painted from a photograph my husband took when we were visiting a country house somewhere. I wanted to evoke a sense of the unknown cat, who I've named Blackie, having a garden of his own, his 'patch' to explore, taking the viewer's imagination up the stone steps with him on his travels.

Highland But n' Ben , watercolour on paper, 14 by 29.5cm £23
Highland But n' Ben , watercolour on paper, 14 by 29.5cm, unframed
In the Scots language a but n' ben is a simple type of two roomed cottage, with an inner room and outer room, where the outer room serves as the kitchen. The inner room is the ben, the outer room, the but. They are very common to the Highlands and can be quite isolated, as in this painting.

Black Rock Cottage, Glencoe, watercolour on paper, 23 by 23cm SOLD
Black Rock Cottage, lies at the foot of Meall a’ Bhuiridh at the entrance to Glen Coe in the Highlands of Scotland. It's a famous landmark, and remains in use by climbers today.

Old Ancrum Pastoral, pencil, ink and wash on paper, 23.8 by 32.5cm £220
This is a ruin from a former lint mill. It's on a farm situated by a river and a small humpbacked bridge and churchyard all in the same vicinity near to where I live. It's such a quiet and romantic spot and I used drawing and painting techniques to resemble an old-style tinted lithograph which I felt would best suit the subject. I added in the geese for a rustic feel.

Winter Hedgerow, watercolour and gouache on paper, 41.7 by 31.5cm £220
This is a painting of a winter time country farming track which I visit all year round. I used blown ink runs for the hawthorn branches for a spiky feel. It's cold and drizzly, the earth is ploughed in preparation for seeding once again and the path meanders on to the horizon.

Bluebell Wood , watercolour on paper, 25.4 by 30.5cm £220
A watercolour of a bluebell wood using many steps into the painting, the kind of process I love. I wanted the lighting to make the journey through the woods to what is beyond, warm and inviting.

Cottage Window, watercolour on paper, 24.5 by 37cm £120
This is a view of my favourite window in the cottage where I live. I've romanticised it a wee bit but largely it is still the view today. It's also my favourite window for looking out from the kitchen to the stands of firs lining the edges of farming fields on the horizon.

Orvieto Balcony, watercolour and mixed media on paper, 27.5 by 19cm £90
I glanced up at this balcony in Orvieto, Italy, and marvelled at the precise array of potted plants aligned along the railing of this superb wrought iron balcony. The textured plasterwork somehow complemented the whole.

Med Aspects, mixed media on paper, 16 by 26cm SOLD
A tour of Italy brought me to this window, on the way to see the Pope's summer residence in Castle Gandolfo by Albano lake outside Rome. Trudging up the hill to the citadel I spotted this weathered facade with washing hanging outside to dry and it seemed so quintessentially a Mediterranean dwelling place and typical way of life that a mixed media painting was in order when I got home, to convey the eroded fine layers of plaster using oil pastels, and pen and ink for the main features.

Seascape, watercolour on paper, 17.7 by 26cm SOLD
Dark cloud banks roll into shore with the waves of the tide.

From Dawn until Dusk, watercolour on paper, long horizontal panel, 68.8 by 24.3 cm £195
A narrative painting of the nature within a landscape from dawn until dusk, going from left to right. Lots of lovely details to incorporate!

Rollright Stones, OXON, pencil and sepia wash on paper, 34.2 by 24.2cm £120
A ghostly feel from the pencil and sepia for this 4000 year old stone circle known as the The King's Men'. Legend has it these men were turned to stone by a witch.

Poppy Field ,watercolour on paper, 18 by 23cm £90
A meadow of poppies is a rare sight these days, so it's all the more special when one comes across one. Here we have yellow ragwort and field poppies flowering in harmony.

Border Seasons Spring ,watercolour on paper, 17 by 17cm £110
The first in a series of four seasonal paintings with a view through the same gap in a hedge throughout the year. The countryside is very typical of the Scottish Borders where I live, with the Eildon Hills in the background. Here we have spring lambs and boxing hares.

Border Seasons Summer , watercolour on paper, 17 by 17cm £110
The second in a series of four seasonal paintings with a view through the same gap in a hedge throughout the year. The countryside is very typical of the Scottish Borders where I live, with the Eildon Hills in the background. Here we have a rabbit, a buzzing bee and a butterfly, with lambs replaced by cattle.

Border Seasons Autumn , watercolour on paper, watercolour on paper, 17 by 17cm £110
The third in a series of four seasonal paintings with a view through the same gap in a hedge throughout the year. The countryside is very typical of the Scottish Borders where I live, with the Eildon Hills in the background. Here we have a stubble field being ploughed after the last harvest with rooks and pheasants strutting around looking for food.

Border Seasons Winter ,watercolour on paper, 17 by 17cm £110
The fourth in a series of four seasonal paintings with a view through the same gap in a hedge throughout the year. The countryside is very typical of the Scottish Borders where I live, with the Eildon Hills in the background. Here we have a pheasant and a robin meeting each other on a snowy winter day.

Sepia Forest , pencil, ink and wash on paper, 23.3 by 33cm £220
An exploration of the different textures in a woodland using tonal pencil, ink, and sepia watercolour wash, actually inspired by traditional lithography from by-gone times.

Mediterranean Calm, acrylic on canvas, 50 by 50cm, £310
During 2020, a year of restrictions and strife, I liked to imagine strolling along a serene Mediterranean beach surrounded by nature, so the next best thing was to paint one. I chose sea fennel, pebbles, shells, and a piece of driftwood as foreground features to lead the eye and to help imagine oneself scrambling over the dunes onto the calm shore.

Sunset Trees, acrylic on canvas, 30 by 30cm £180
A study of winter trees silhouetted against a sunset sky. I love to explore the negative shapes between stands of trees.

'Sargasso Sea', acrylic on canvas, 30 by 30cm, £180
Here, I wanted to convey an ‘other world’ feel to a sea shore using the Sargasso sea as inspiration and through the use of colour, almost with the feeling of being transported through dreams .

Hogweed Field, acrylic on canvas, 30 by 30cm SOLD
I was walking through a field of barley and noticed a band of hogweed blooms floating in the field boundary with a backdrop of fir trees and a mysterious depth beyond inviting exploration. I chose bold bands of colour to bring what I felt about it to life.